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Learn to Avoid Solar Scams

As a team of solar energy experts, we understand the importance of avoiding common solar panel scams to ensure that you get the best value for your investment. In this article, we’ll cover the most prevalent solar panel scams and provide you with the information you need to avoid them.

The “Free” Solar Panel Scam

One of the most common scams in the solar panel industry is the promise of “free” solar panels. This scam typically involves a company offering to install solar panels on your roof for free in exchange for signing a long-term contract to buy electricity from them.

While this may seem like a great deal at first, it’s important to read the fine print. Often, these contracts will include hidden fees and high electricity rates that end up costing you more in the long run. In addition, the solar panels may be lower quality and less efficient than those you could purchase outright.

The "High-Pressure Sales Tactics" Scam

Another common solar panel scam is high-pressure sales tactics. This can include aggressive door-to-door salespeople or telemarketers who pressure you into signing a contract on the spot. They may use scare tactics, such as claiming that government rebates or incentives are about to expire, to push you into making a decision before you’re ready.

To avoid falling victim to this scam, take your time researching solar panel companies and their offerings. Don’t feel pressured to sign a contract on the spot, and be sure to read all the terms and conditions carefully before making a decision.

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The “Low-Cost” Solar Panel Scam

A third scam to watch out for is the promise of “low-cost” solar panels. While it’s true that solar panels have become more affordable in recent years, beware of companies that claim to offer prices that are significantly lower than the industry standard.

These companies may be cutting corners by using inferior materials or employing inexperienced installers, which can result in poor-quality installations and long-term problems with your solar panel system.


The "Equipment" Scam

Another common solar scam in the solar panel industry involves the equipment used in your solar panel system. Some companies may install low-quality or outdated equipment in your system, which can result in poor performance and efficiency.

To avoid this scam, be sure to research the equipment used by the company you’re considering and ask for references from previous customers. You should also choose a company that offers a warranty on their equipment and installation work.

By staying informed and aware of common solar panel scams, you can protect yourself and your investment. Remember to take your time when researching solar panel companies and always read the fine print before signing a contract.


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FAQS About Solar Scams

Is getting paid to go solar a scam?

Many solar technologies are emerging, but with these advancements come solar scams attempting to dupe homeowners into investing. Paying for solar can be an expensive investment and fraudulent companies may try to take advantage of unsuspecting solar buyers.

Before you put any money toward solar, make sure that the company is trustworthy and accredited, and that any contract you’re signing won’t have hidden fees or charges.

Research the solar business’s reputation and don’t commit until you know that the agreement is airtight—that way, you can get all of the financial benefits solar brings without getting caught in a scam.


Is there a solar scam?

Solar energy is an excellent way to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and promote a cleaner and greener world. However, solar scams have been known to exist and can be quite costly if you are not careful.

Solar scams are perpetrated by solar companies that fail to follow through with their promises by overselling solar power products or not providing quality solar services as agreed upon.

Some solar scammers may even try to scam those interested in solar power out of money without delivering any tangible solar results. As such, it’s important to do your research before taking the plunge into solar energy and make sure that the solar company you choose is reputable, experienced, and knowledgeable. Doing so can save you from a costly and time-consuming solar scam.


How do I stop solar scam phone calls?

Solar scams are always annoying, but it’s important to take action before they become a real problem. The best way to stop solar scam phone calls is to register your number with the Do Not Call Registry, which legally prohibits companies from calling or texting registered numbers.

Additionally, be aware of solar companies that promise unusually low rates – if an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Lastly, when you receive a solar scam phone call, avoid engaging with the caller by not answering any questions and immediately ending the call. Taking these steps will help ensure solar scammers don’t interrupt your day any more than necessary.


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